Saturday 30 January 2010

Fettercairn 1824 12yr, Highland

For the second whisky, we move to the Highlands. I had never heard of this distillery which is precisely why I ordered it.

Fettercairn 1824 12yr
40% abv

Color: Amber and very oily, at times it seemed you could see portions of perfectly clear liquid with beads of amber.

Nose: sweet and high pitched, conflicted, almost wrong; this smelled the same throughout, best described as conflicted. By high pitched, I mean that if I tried to sing a note just out of my range and translated the strained sound to a smell, it would be the aroma of this whisky. By almost wrong, it is like something rotted, but now it has been so long that it isn’t revolting, but a sweet smell that still tells you something isn’t quite right.

Palate: sweet and oily; deceiving: it almost seems vacant but simultaneously tastes like a smooth whisky. It’s so oily that the sensation in my mouth made me think of water beading up on a newly finished table.

Finish: super smooth but a delayed warmth; it lingers but subtly

Overall: this whisky was nice to drink, but I wouldn’t order it again. It just doesn’t smell good enough. Also, I’m not a huge fan of the whisky being so oily that it stays in your mouth after you swallow. It’s the whisky version of getting meat stuck in your teeth, but you can’t get it out with a toothpick. Anyway, it was fine, but it simply doesn’t smell good enough to buy again.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the oil in your mouth. It does not leave for a pleasant feeling especially when you have an "odd" smell to go along with it.
