Friday, 5 March 2010

1,000 Push ups

Hey Matt and Elpeebee (and anybody else). I am going to do at least 1000 push ups in March. How many are you going to do? I'm at 120. Good form is essential. (It's really not that many; average 40 per day starting tomorrow and you make it to 1000.)

I'm off to San Antonio tomorrow.


  1. (I was thinking I could have used (or maybe just thought about using) more parentheses (or some other unnecessary piece of punctutation (like a comma)) in my last post (or any post for that matter).)

  2. I read somewhere that Hershal Walker used to do 1000 push ups per DAY. Now that is impressive.

    How many will I do? Tell you what. I will make a deal with you. I will do one pushup daily for every "friend" I have on Facebook. How does that sound?

  3. How hard is that? His bionic hip was doing all the work for him. That's like driving a marathon.

    Why don't you do half a push-up per day for each of MY friends on facebook?

  4. Watch the punctuation comments - your s-i-l makes a living teaching the world about them.... :) Parentheses (and commas) are not unecessary. I love them. I had a professor in college tell me that he could hear me speak parenthetically. That made me proud.

    I can't even do one push-up, so I will just stick to punctuation. And grammar. I rock at grammar.

  5. Push-ups are for ninnies. Go do some Turkish Get-ups with a 2-pood kettlebell.
    I'll do none of either though...
    But I will swim 5km this month. You've inspired me.
